Guidelines for Authors


Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management is a monthly 'double - blind peer reviewed' refereed journal on diverse areas of management such as Human Resource Management, Operations Management, and Strategic Decision Making among others. Its objective is to disseminate knowledge, which ensures good practice of professional management and its focal point is on research and reflections relevant to academicians and practicing managers.


  1. The Manuscripts should be in MS-Word format. Manuscripts must be double spaced, with 1-inch margins with “Times New Roman, Font Size 12, black”.
  2. It is mandatory to mention a valid email address with content submitted online.
  3. In the first page of the paper (cover page), include the author details in the cover page as :
    Name and Full address of Institute (with pincode/zipcode)
    Email id
    ORCID id

    The author's name or affiliations should not appear anywhere else in the body of the manuscript, because our peer-review process is blinded.
  4. The actual paper should commence from the second page
  5. containing the title followed by the Abstract, Keywords, JEL Classification, and the main paper. The author's name should not be mentioned anywhere except in the first page (cover page).
  6. Word Limit : The Manuscripts should not be more than 6000 words.
  7. Abstract : The abstract should be clear and provide an excellent summary of each article's content. It should briefly describe the objectives, explain how the study was done, and summarize the key results. The Abstract should be written in past tense and should not be more than 250 words. Avoid the use of abbreviations and references in the abstract.The Abstract should have the following components: Purpose; Design/Methodology/Approach; Findings; Practical Implications; Originality/Value.

    The Abstract should be followed by relevant keywords and at least three JEL Classification Codes.
  8. Tables should be numbered consecutively as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and so on (and not as Table 1.1, Table 1.2, Table 1.3, and so on). The title of the table should be placed above the table. The source should be indicated at the bottom. Please provide table(s) as real table(s) with rows, columns, and cells. Each piece of information should reside in its own cell.

    For the Tables and Figures - If you have reproduced the tables/figures as it is from the source, then you should have permission to reproduce the content. Otherwise, please remove the respective Table/Figure. However, if the Table /Figure has been compiled from information from the Source, please give the proper citation below the Table/Figure and include the full reference in the list of references.
  9. Figures should be numbered consecutively (as Figure 1, Figure 2, and so on and not as Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2, and so on). Wherever necessary, the source should be indicated at the bottom. The figures should also be given relevant titles.
  10. All tables, charts, graphs, and diagrams should be high resolution black and white images or grey scale images only. Number and complexity of such exhibits should be as low as possible. All charts and graphs should be drawn legibly and figures should be indicated in millions and billions.
  11. The manuscript must clearly specify the Methodology used in the paper. In case of survey-based studies, it is mandatory for the author(s) to mention the sampling methodolgy, number of respondents, nature of sampling, and time period of the study.
  12. References should be included at the end of the paper. All the references should be cited in the body of the text. References and citations should be complete in all respects and arranged in alphabetical order. Please refer to the APA 7th Edition for framing the References. You can also look up at this useful resource for the Reference Examples:
  13. Display formulae and mathematical equations should be numbered serially. Equations should be typewritten and use the form (1).
  14. Footnotes, italics, and quotation marks should be kept to the minimum.
  15. The primary heading should be in capitalized form (Uppercase), and boldface. The sub-headings should be in title - case capitalization (first letter of each word in capital), in bold, and should be italicized.
  16. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be sent back to contributors. Contributors whose papers are accepted or rejected will be informed by email only.
  17. The following Ethical Disclosures need to be included in the manuscript in line with COPE's Best Practices for Authors. Please provide statements (please include these at the end of the paper, above the references) :
    • Author Contribution
    • Conflict of Interest
    • Funding Acknowledgements
  18. Please log onto to submit your article
  19. Due to the huge volume of submissions, the review process can take upto 8 - 10 months.


  • Uniform Font: Times New Roman, Font Size : 12 ; Black
  • Tables Font: Times New Roman, Font Size 12 ; Black
  • The table title should be at the Top of the table and should be italicized. Example :
    Table 1. Sugarcane Disease Information
  • Figure(s) Font: Times New Roman, Font Size 12
  • The Figure title should be at the Top of the Figure and should be italicized. Example :
    Figure 1. The Conversion Funnel
  • Main Heading should be written as : RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
  • Sub Heading should be written as : Interpretation
  • In tables, raw codes should not appear. E.g. Adv_1 , Govt_3 . The factors should be proper statements labeled as per the paper and need to be written rather than being presented in the form of SPSS codes.
  • All Table are Figure numbers should be included in the Discussion part of the text (avoid phrases - the below table, the above table ; instead, mention the appropriate Figure/ Table number). Please do not number the Figure/ Tables as Figure/Table 1.1, Figure/Table 1.2. Number the Tables/ Figures consecutively as Table 1/Figure 1, Table 2/Figure 2 and so on.


References and citations should be complete in all respects in order to enable readers to look up the source materials and most importantly, to demonstrate that your paper is well - researched and gives credit to the author(s) of the source materials.

References should be included at the end of the paper. All the references should be referred to in the text and arranged in alphabetical order. Authors are requested to include only a list of cited References and not a Bibliography. Reference to a citation in the text should be made by means of the author's name followed by the year of publication in parenthesis. The references must follow the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition).

For all references, it is mandatory to include the DOIs for all references in the https format :

APA has now come out with the 7th Edition. For References Examples, please look up this link :


To enable the Publisher to protect the copyright of the journal, the corresponding author must include the following declaration :

  1. The paper is my original contribution and has not been plagiarized from any source/individual. It does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory right, or propriety right of others and the paper does not contain any libelous or unlawful statements. All the references are duly acknowledged at the appropriate places and I sign for and accept the responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of my co-authors.
  2. The work has been submitted only to Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management, New Delhi and it has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication in a refereed or copyrighted publication.
  3. It is agreed that the sole and exclusive rights in the whole copyright of the said paper to the contribution identified above is transferred to Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management, New Delhi. This copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the contribution, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form (offline, online), or any other reproductions of similar nature. I agree that I have not assigned any kind of rights of the above said paper to any other person/institute/publication.
  4. I have permission from copyright owner(s) to reproduce/adapt any content that I have reproduced or adapted in this paper.
  5. I agree to indemnify Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management, New Delhi against any claim or action alleging facts which, if true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing warranties.

All the best for your submission!

Editorial Team
Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management