Dear Authors,

For your convenience, we are posting this section on FAQs. All these details are already mentioned in the Guidelines for Authors. However, we are posting some important points here for your reference. All authors/readers are requested to read all the below points carefully :

• Where is Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management Indexed? Is it a Scopus Indexed Journal?

Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management is a monthly journal published from New Delhi, India. It is indexed in Elsevier's Scopus since 2013. It is also indexed in the UGC - CARE List of Journals (Group II).

• What Topics are covered in Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management?

We cover the following topics in our journal :

  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Organizational Behaviour and Organizational Management
  3. International Business
  4. Knowledge Management
  5. Environmental Management
  6. Data Analysis and Decision Making
  7. Technology and Operations Management
  8. Strategic Decision Making
  9. Negotiations and Competitive Decision Making
  10. Ethics in Management
  11. Corporate Governance
  12. Corporate Social Responsibility
  13. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  14. Public Management
  15. Rural Management
  16. General Management
  17. Hotel Management
  18. Intellectual Property Rights
  19. Education Management
  20. Communication Management
  21. Lifecycle Management
  22. Spiritual Management
  23. Tourism Management
  24. Hospitality Management
  25. Leisure Management
  26. Inventory Management
  27. Waste Management
  28. Hospital Management

Please note that the topics related to Marketing will be covered in Indian Journal of Marketing ; Economics topics will be covered in Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research.

•Do we consider Case studies/Review Papers/Book Reviews/Research Notes?

Yes, we consider all the above - mentioned types of papers.

• How to Submit a paper for review in Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management?

WE WILL NOT ACCEPT HARD COPIES OF THE PAPERS. Please use our portal for submitting the manuscripts online. Please login with your account details and click on New Submission.

• How much time does it take review and what are the details of manuscript specification and style guide? Please explain your review process briefly.

Due to a huge load of submissions, the review process takes between 6 - 12 months. We follow the APA Style Guide (Style Guide of the American Psychological Association). Authors please note that we cannot review papers within 2 days, 5 days, 7 days, or 10 days. Authors looking to publish their manuscripts within 5-15 days of submission MAY PLEASE NOT consider Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management for their research interests.

After a manuscript is submitted for review, it goes through Desk Review to ascertain its suitability as per the Guidelines for Authors, the journal's aims and scope, as well as to check whether it meets the minimum quality parameters as per the standards of the journal. Papers clearing this stage move ahead in the Review process. The papers are then scanned for originality. Papers with a high similarity index are rejected at this stage. Next, the papers are checked whether they are of above average quality and is the content and writing good enough to make them worthy of reviewing. The papers are then assigned to Reviewers for double blind peer review. The journal will look out for papers that have novelty of research with respect to the area of the research and topics already covered in Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management .

• Are we a Print Journal or an Online Journal? Do we provide print copies of the journal after a paper is published ?

Yes, we are a Print Journal. In addition, our content is available in the online format on our website as well as on the i-scholar (http://www.i-scholar.in/) platform. All authors will receive three copies of the issue in which their paper is published. Yes, we provide the print copies to all authors of a paper that is published in Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management and not only to the Corresponding Author.

All other details regarding manuscript preparation and style guide are mentioned in the Guidelines for Authors. Please read the FAQs and Guidelines for Authors carefully before making a submission. If you have read and understood the FAQs and the Guidelines for Authors and agree with the Terms and Conditions, please login with your account on the website and click on New Submission to submit your manuscript.

The Editorial Team
Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management